& Interns
Welcome to our proactive support page for volunteers and interns. If you have not yet read through FBIIB's aims & program activities, please read our Summary below.
Available Positions
FBIIB Inc. is always looking for and welcoming volunteers and interns to help build and solidify the legs of our operations and programs in the following areas:
Fundraising Rep: Commission-based Digital Promoter to market our crowdfunding campaign.
Grant Writing & Budgeting: Seek out and apply to foundation grants.
Sponsor Outreach: Finding, contacting, and acquiring new partner organizations for sponsorships.
Social Media Manager: Updates and content posting on FB, IG, and Twitter.
Schedules Coordinator: Calendaring meetings, events, film shoots, confirming attendees, guests
PR & Communications: Seek out Press & Media coverage, Celebrity Endorsements
Production Assistant: Camera Operator, Light/Sound Set-Up, Editing, Dialogue Transcription.
Staff Writer: Write/edit cover articles on interviews produced by FBIIB. Publishing tools & support available.
All positions are remote with the except for initial and occasional work-meetups at our Long Island City Studio in Queens, New York. Needed hours will vary depending on position, and will involve work that is commensurate with the applicant's experience and interests. Direction and leads will be provided for all work activities and learning support will be provided to interns. Commission-based earnings are available to Digital Promoters only. All other volunteers and interns who complete 6 months will be issued Thank-You Awards.
For any questions, feel free to reach us at 516-362-0890 or email shakoure@fbiib.org.
Summary of FBIIB Programming:
New_Gen Production House: In conjunction with our production partner, Transcendence Media, FBIIB will offer videography & production training to NYC youth deferred from crimnal and juvenille justice agencies. Our 12-week workshop not only teaches them a marketable skill, but working in teams, helps them to find inspiration in producing 2-min. video stories featuring men and women who maneged to overcome the obstacles in their path to post-incarceration success.
From Bars II Beyond Docu-Series: Is an episodic glimpse into the behind-the-scene activities of our workshop participants as they learn, film and producing their video projects. The episodes will feature both the interview content they produce and some commnetary regarding that process. The aim is to inspire our young participants and other at-risk youth to shape their own success-stories in light of the insight acquired from their film subjects.
Aspirations From the Inside (AFI): COMING SOON is a small but impactful program that allows anyone to nominate an incarcerated friend or relative who recently completed a significant program achievement (academic or technical) to be considered for posting on our web and social media pages and qualify for our monthly AFI awards.
Our programs also help reduce some of the stigma faced by formerly incarcerated people, particularly by educating the public about their unsung talents, potential, achievements, and success stories.